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Surfing in Imsouane

There are two beaches, Cathedrals and the Bay, and seven surf spots in Imsouane.


Cathedral Point is a point break, heavy and thick with a wedge of a take off.  It is a right-hander on the north side of the village right on our doorstep with only a 1 minute walk from your room to the wave.   It is the wave you see first thing in the morning, the wave you hear in the night, and the wave over which the sun sets.  It tends to need more swell to break depending on the sand bar, but it holds big.  It is a relatively easy paddle out.  If the spot works well it's beautiful. Sometimes the whole beach works, not just the point, so there's space for everyone to get a barrel.  

The Reef is a fast, hollow left-hander which breaks on the opposite side of the beach from Cathedral Point.  It picks up the most of the swell. and is best surfed mid tide.  It works with all sizes of swell, even smaller days, and can get very heavy.


River Mouth is an A frame with lefts and rights, that provides short but fun rides.


The Bay - longest right-hander in Morocco   

Long board heaven, great for all levels of surfing and if you just want to ride perfect long waves. When this thing breaks far out, on south swells, it has amazing barrels.  On an average day, one-minute rides are the normal.  You'll go to bed seeing lines.  The bay is famous for low tide but on spring tides it can easily be surfed at half tides.  If the waves are too big, paddle out from the harbor go straight to the shoulder or the middle, loads of sets come from the west and waves are cleaner and slower.


There are four main peaks at The Bay:


Outside Slab: There is a gnarly wave on the outside of the bay.  It breaks on the shallow rocks and is dangerous, but people sometimes Tow surf it.


The Harbour Wall: The first section of the bay starts on the reform of the slab at the end of the harbour.  

Middles: This area has many different peaks and is a great place to pick up the more westerly swells.  It's long, easy and beautiful with a faster section at the end.


Beach Break: The beach break on the inside has a sandy, safe bottom and is great for boogey boarders.  It also works with more water.

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